Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
The (SAP) of a student is measured by three concurrent parameters: the qualitative factor, the quantitative factor, and the completion within the maximum time frame factor.
The qualitative SAP factor is defined as the level of academic achievement which is measured by the grades attained, i.e. the Grade Point Average (GPA) and number of attempts to pass AMU institutional exams. All students in attendance at Alhambra Medical University must maintain a quarter-to-quarter, as well as a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 and passing at least 67% of the registered courses. The course work shall extend over a minimum of 3 academic years or 12 quarters, with the average units earned per quarter of 12 for full time students and 6 for part time students. All students will be given a maximum of three (3) attempts to take and pass the institutional exams conducted by AMU. AMU institutional exams include Level 1 Entrance Exam, Level 1 Exit Exam, Level 2 Exit Exam, and Level 3 Exit Exam.
The quantitative SAP factor or payment period (PP), is defined as the frequency of measuring the qualitative SAP factor. This occurs at the end of each PP which coincides with the end of each quarter. The quantitative factor SAP also includes the attendance policy requirements.
The terms “payment period” and “increment for evaluation” have the same meaning which is represented by the period of time between two consecutive SAP evaluations of the student. For students receiving Title IV funds, the term “payment period” has a particular meaning in regards to the disbursements from the government. The US Department of Education requires schools receiving Title IV funds to use the term “payment period”.
The completion within the maximum time frame factor (CWMTF) is defined as the maximum time allowed for the completion of an educational program and it has the value of 150% of the standard time taken to complete the program. This means that the maximum time a student has to complete this four year program is six years (24 quarters).
If a student fails to meet SAP requirements in any specific payment period, he or she will be placed on academic probation the following payment period, and required to attend mandatory tutoring and academic advising. During this probationary period, the Academic Committee will evaluate the student and analyze the reason for the poor performance. Students receiving financial aid will be placed onfinancial aid warning for the payment period and notified that failure to meet SAP standards at the end of the current payment period will lead to them losing their financial aid eligibility.
If a student fails to pass an AMU institutional exam at the 3rd attempt, he or she will also be considered to have failed the SAP requirements and will be placed on academic probation.
If the student fails to bring his or her GPA up to 2.0 at the end of the academic probation payment period, he or she will be placed on academic suspension from the University. Once a student is suspended, his or her financial aid will be terminated, as they will no longer be in attendance, and he or she will not be allowed to re-enroll for two quarters. If a student fails to pass an AMU institutional exam on the 4th attempt, he or she will also be placed on academic suspension. During the academic suspension period, the student will be given one last attempt to take and pass the institutional exam, otherwise he or she will be academically dismissed from the University.
If the student wishes to appeal their academic suspension, they must make their request in writing to the Academic Committee. Appeals must explain why SAP standards were unmet and what changes the student has made that will allow them to meet SAP standards by the following quarter. The appeal must also include an evaluation plan approved by the Academic Committee to ensure the student meets the standards within the specified time frame. If the appeal is granted by the committee, eligibility is re-instated and the student is placed on academic probation and “financial aid warning” for one quarter. If the student fails during this quarter to meet SAP standards again, and/or fails to follow the evaluation plan, the student once again becomes ineligible for financial aid and is academically dismissed from the University.
A student that has been academically dismissed from the University that is allowed to re-enter, will be allowed one quarter to achieve a quarterly GPA of 2.0 or face academic dismissal once again. A student who has been academically dismissed from the University due to failure to pass an institutional exam after 5 attempts and allowed to re-enter into the program, will be allowed one attempt to pass the institutional exam or face academic dismissal once again. Students who have been academically dismissed that formerly received financial aid, will not be allowed to apply for aid during this first quarter of re-entry.
Failed courses must be repeated and courses repeated more than once may not count toward full time or half time status. Transfer Units from other schools are added to total units earned and attempted.