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Photo of exterior of Alhambra Medical University.

Campus | Learning Management System

Physical and practical training class sessions are regularly held at campus. Theoretical classes are offered via Zoom in distance education live format. The clinical training session is provided as onsite physical training at AMU clinic. Please refer to the quarterly course schedule.  

Mailing Address
55 South Raymond Avenue, Suite 105, Alhambra, CA 91801
28 South Palm Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91801
Campus & Academic Offices
2215 W Mission Road, Suite 280, Alhambra, CA 91803

Facilities and Types of Equipment for instruction

AMU campus houses 5 classrooms where its didactic lectures were conducted. The classrooms are equipped with a projector in which it will be used as audio visual equipment for the faculty to conduct its instruction. Some classrooms are also equipped with beds to support hands-on instruction. Due to Covid19 pandemic, AMU has been operating its class session using zoom in distance education live format under the ACAHM emergency waiver. The canvas learning management system was also utilized to support its instructions for the students. The clinical training session is provided as on-site physical training at AMU clinic. The campus is also equipped with a library that houses a collection of acupuncture and traditional medical books, in English and Chinese, as well as journals, newsletters and other periodicals.

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